Atty: Debra Finch
Petitioner’s Motion for Three Year/Permanent Family Violence Protective Order
Atty: Christine Scartz
Pro Se Final Divorce Hearing
Final Divorce Hearing
Atty: Billy Olson
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Jonathan Dawson
Motion to Reduce Bond
Determination of Bail
Atty: Jim Smith
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Rachel Bodin
Motion to Reduce Bond
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Michael Danis
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Alexis Price
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Rachel Bodin
Motion to Set Bond
Motion to Set Bond
Motion to Reduce Bond
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Kaylee Craven
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Jonathan Dawson
Determination of Bail
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Cynthia Murphy
Affidavit for Revocation of Bond
Affidavit for Revocation of Bond
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Brandy Lumpkin
Motion to Set Aside Bench Warrant and Reinstate Bond
Motion to Reduce Bond
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Carla Healan
Scire Facias
Scire Facias
Probation Revocation Hearing
Probation Revocation Hearing
Probation Revocation Hearing
Probation Officer: Kaylee Craven
Probation Revocation Hearing
Bench Trial on Damages
Atty: Kevin Epps, Tyler Gaines
Motion for Psychological Evaluation and/or Psychiatric Examination of William Jordan Smith
Atty: Catherine Casto, Alfred Fargione, Samuel Thomas
Special Demurrer and Motion to Sever; Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Speedy Trial Demand; Motion to Reconsider Bond
Plea in Bar and Special Demurrer
Atty: Adam Levin
Motion to Vacate Bench Warrant or Adjudicate Contempt
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Alexis Price
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Catherine Trippi
Bench Warrant
Determination of Bail
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Christopher Scott
Atty: Michael Brooks
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Brandon Andrews
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Sean Viola
Motion to Reduce Bond
Motion to Set Bond
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Kaylee Craven
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: April White
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Alexis Price
Atty: Ryan Swingle
Motion to Reduce Bond
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Danny Ramirez
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Sean Viola
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Andrew Hunter
Final Hearing
Atty: Rich Connelly
Motion to Vacate Bench Warrant or Adjudicate Contempt
Atty: Jason Slider
Motion to Reduce Bond
Bench Warrants
Plea Day
Bench Warrant
Bench Warrant
Atty: Mo Wiltshire
Motion to Reduce Bond
Atty: Jackie Patterson
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Dana Snow
Atty: John McArthur
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Sean Viola
Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Joint Motion to Seal Records
Atty: Salmeh Fodor
Final Hearing
Atty: Samuel Thomas, Alfred Fargione
Show Cause as to why Defendant Should not be held in Contempt
Defendant’s Objection to Motion to Withdraw
Atty: Bill Overend, Mayes Davison
Pro Se Final Divorce
Amended Motion to Suppress; Probation Revocation
Probation Officer: Alexis Price
Special Demurrer