2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Sean Viola
Atty: Ryan Swingle
Special and General Demurrers
Bench Warrant
1st Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Dana Snow
Motion to Set Bond
Motion to Suppress
Atty: Jeff Rothman
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Alexis Price
Moiton to Set Bond
2nd Appearance Status Conference
Probation Officer: Joseph Gilbreath
Scire Facias
Petition Seeking Authority to Dispose of Animal Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 4-11-9.3(d)
Atty: Jason Slider
Status Conference on Motion for New Trial
Atty: Sheila Ross, David Douds, James Luttrell
Motion to Suppress
Atty: Adam Hebbard
Motion to Suppress Statements, Motion to Suppress Evidence
Pro Se Final Divorce Hearing
Motion to Compel the State to Reveal the Identity of a CI
Atty: William Olson
Motion to Suppress
Motion to Suppress
Final Hearing
Atty: Rich Connelly, Gabe Bradford
Scire Facias
Probation Revocation Hearing
Probation Revocation Hearing
Probation Revocation Hearing
Scire Facias
Scire Facias
Scire Facias
Defendant’s Motion for Contempt, Plaintiff’s Motion to Modify Child Support/Final Hearing
Atty: Catherine Casto, Sam Thomas, Al Fargione
Final Hearing
Atty: David Thomson, Andrew Prater
Scire Facias
Scire Facias
Scire Facias